Holiday Shopping in DuPage – Ideal for Every Budget

[caption id="attachment_6423" align="alignright" width="900"] Yorktown Center[/caption] ‘Tis the season for holiday shopping! From bargain prices at outlet malls to charming boutiques, DuPage County has world-class shopping for every budget. And, make the most of your shopping experience by also reveling in dazzling light displays and visiting Santa all while snatching…

The Spiritual Path

If spirituality fills your soul, whether it be to reconnect, get inspired, or gain insight about a religion, culture or history, you can find solace in DuPage. Immerse yourself in your own personal journey of faith or simply enjoy visiting some of our remarkable sanctuaries. Discover the tranquility of the…

Wellness through Science

For those of us not in the scientific world, the most we know about particle physics is what we learned from watching the popular show, “The Big Bang Theory.” Yet, applications of particle physics are all around us, from the ink on cereal boxes, to the silicon chip that runs…

Arts & Culture

Degas’ quote captures the essence of the arts - opening your heart and mind to creative expression, different perspectives, genuine interpretations of humanity, and imaginative worlds into which we can escape. If you ask anyone who lives in Chicago, they’ll tell you that the arts and culture scene is intrinsic to…

Shared Flavors

Not many would claim that Midwest food is synonymous with healthy eating – we’re known for comfort food that can get us through those cold, snowy winters. Hard to pass up a good pizza, or juicy beef sandwich – both of which you’ll find in abundance in Chicagoland. And while…

Healthy Meetings

With its mix of urban sophistication and small-town charm, dining, shopping, and numerous health and wellness amenities, DuPage County provides what so many seek – balance. For the event planner, or conference attendee, that means a healthier meeting - and ultimately more productivity on both a personal and professional level.…

Ivan Albright – The Man Behind “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

[caption id="attachment_6974" align="alignleft" width="327"] Ivan Albright. Picture of Dorian Gray, 1943/44. Gift of Ivan Albright. © The Art Institute of Chicago.[/caption] “Ivan Albright painted this lurid portrait for the Oscar-winning movie adaptation of Oscar Wilde's 1891 novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. In Wilde's tale, Dorian Gray commissions a portrait…
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