Submit Your Hotel Packages

Hotel members of the DuPage CVB may use this form to submit their packages to our database. This information will appear in our online hotels packages area and on your member page. It may also be used by the bureau in print, electronic and social media promotions of the area.

Enter your package information as required below. Your entry will remain inactive until verified by a representative. The DuPage CVB reserves the right to edit your information and decline to post packages.

Red field names indicate required information.


Package Name/Hotel Name
(Please include both)

Package Category


Start Date

Date Picker

End Date

Date Picker

Package Availability

Weekday Rate Per Night
(Enter any text to describe pricing. Dollar amounts are NOT required.)

Weekend Rate Per Night
(Enter any text to describe pricing. Dollar amounts are NOT required.)

Do Rates Include Taxes?


Package Information Contact Name

Hotel Name

URL Link to Package Information

Human Validation:

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915 Harger Road, Suite 120 | Oak Brook, IL 60523-1476 | 630-575-8070 | 800-232-0502
Design and Development by J Rudny, LLC